Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Moving an application to foreground / to background

1. Being notified of the focus change
Override HandleForegroundEventL() function In AppUi Class Like

void CMyAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
// Call Base class method

// We have gained the focus
// We have lost the focus

2. Bring Application To ForeGround

void CMyAppUi::BringToForeground()
// Construct en empty TApaTask object
// giving it a reference to the Window Server session
TApaTask task(iEikonEnv->WsSession( ));

// Initialise the object with the window group id of
// our application (so that it represent our app)

// Request window server to bring our application
// to foreground

3. Send Application To BackGround
void CMyAppUi::BringToForeground()
// Construct en empty TApaTask object
// giving it a reference to the Window Server session
TApaTask task(iEikonEnv->WsSession( ));

// Initialise the object with the window group id of
// our application (so that it represent our app)

// Request window server to Snedour application
// to BackGround

Other Method If you want to Send or Bring Focus to Other Application

TApaTaskList tasklist(iCoeEnv->WsSession());
TApaTask task(tasklist.FindApp(_L("TestApp")));
task.SendToBackground(); // or BringToForeground()

Library: apgrfx.lib

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