Sunday, August 05, 2007

Using FlashLite with Symbian C++

Code for S60 V3:

void CSWF2SISAppUi::LaunchSwfL( const TDesC &aFlashAppName )
iHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL( NULL );

TUid KUidFlash21 = { 0x200077D6 };
TDataType dtype(KUidFlash21);

TInt error = iHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFlashAppName, dtype );

void CSWF2SISAppUi::HandleServerAppExit (TInt /* aReason */)

Code for S60 FP1:

void CSWF2SISAppUi::LaunchSwfL( const TDesC &aFlashAppName )
iHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL( NULL );

TUid KUidFlash21 = { 0x200077D6 };
TDataType dtype(KUidFlash21);

TInt error = iHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFlashAppName, dtype );

void CSWF2SISAppUi::NotifyExit (TExitMode aMode)

1 comment:

prassanna said...

Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

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