1. Computer running
a. Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 / XP SP2 [Stay away from Vista]
b. Active Perl 5.6.1.x .... [Upper Versions may not work with out editing some scripts]
c. Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) latest.
2. S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS, for C++ (S60 C++ SDK)
You can get the S60 SDKs Free from forum.nokia.com. Loging required.
3. A C++ IDE or Good Source Code Editor
If are looking for free IDE then i suggest Carbide.C++ Express.
If are looking for a free Source code Editor then i suggest NotePad++.
4. A target device [mobile device] based on the platform version that matches your development SDK.
5. Setup connection between your PC and your mobile device. [Bluetooth or USB], i suggest using PC Suites that come with Phone Driver CD.
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