Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to make old sdk installations foot-print disappear.

Problem: some times the emulator or my sdk [v3.0 MR] installation gets corrupted due to prolonged usage. and i want to reinstall so i uninstall the SDK and reinstall it but the new installation takes S60_3rd_MR_2 as epoc path so how to default it to S60_3rd_MR.

1. Uninstall S60_3rd_MR from you PC and delete S60_3rd_MR folder.
2. Open RegEdit
3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nokia\com.nokia.s60 and check the counter value
4. if the counter value not "0" then set it to 0.
5. restart PC and install S60_3rd_MR again.

1 comment:

kapil.koruche said...

ya it works fine but i want to comment about path;i am trying it for sdk 3rd_fp1 & i edited counter at path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\nokia\S60_3rd_FP1\instances ;make its value zero.i think its differ from the path whih is mentioned in blog.

stats counter