Saturday, August 02, 2008

How to use heap descriptors as return types?

I want to create a new descriptor in my function. How do I return it to the caller?
You must return an HBufC* as follows:

HBufC* CreateSomeDescriptorL()
_LIT(KBert, "bert");
HBufC* newBert = KBert().AllocL();
return (newBert);

The calling function needs to know that it must take ownership of the returned heap-based descriptor and be responsible for deleting it when it has finished with it. Failure to do this is a common cause of memory leaks.

A similar function, which leaves the created descriptor on the cleanup stack for the caller, would be coded as follows:

HBufC* CreateSomeDescriptorLC()
_LIT(KBert, "bert");
HBufC* newBert = KBert().AllocLC();
return (newBert);

further reading

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